Stepping into My Role

The Lord has a very specific role for you to play in the trials of the days to come. Do you know what that is yet? Ask Him. What is He saying to you? Can you hear Him? If you don’t know what He’s leading you to do yet, start here: Matthew 22:37-40 and 1Continue reading “Stepping into My Role”

Do Not Fear. Rise Up and Walk in Your Purpose

Join us now through May 2 for the National Day of Prayer. Sharing with you this sweet word from the Lord’s heart for His bride…. I am here. This future you dread, the thoughts that spiral you into panic and fear for your children’s future, none of it changes the fact that I am stillContinue reading “Do Not Fear. Rise Up and Walk in Your Purpose”

Deepen Our Love

Let’s make this celebration of Christ’s birth memorable because of how we choose to LOVE. Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8 NASB Lord, help us lay down all our grudges, fears, pride, and regrets, so we can LOVE, even as You first lovedContinue reading “Deepen Our Love”

Rise Up as One and Love

A prayer for oneness from Philippians 1:27-28: Lord, we ask You to draw us into deeper love, into oneness with each other and with You. For our enemy seeks to divide marriages, families, and churches, and then put us on display before the world to show them that we’re really no different than they are,Continue reading “Rise Up as One and Love”

Idols Down

One morning, the Lord awakened me to the song Endless Alleluia, and a vision of idols toppling to the ground on their faces. He spoke to me about how so often we try to “fix” our “problem” somehow on our own, as if our willpower is strong enough. It’s not, of course. You and IContinue reading “Idols Down”

Step Up into My Arms

A powerful word from the Lord today for those of us feeling a bit beat up in the battle: Step up. Not with hopeful goals to better yourself that fade away within a couple of weeks. Not with working all the harder and burning out all the faster, or with beating yourself up because youContinue reading “Step Up into My Arms”

Walking Toward Oneness

When we go through trials, it’s easy to look around and think, “Why doesn’t she have this problem? Am I the only one going through this?” or “Why does God heal him but not me?” or “Why is my marriage in pieces, and that other couple is so blessed?” The truth is we all haveContinue reading “Walking Toward Oneness”

Mending Breaches

Pride is at the heart of every argument. Make sure it’s not yours.  It’s important in any conflict to ask the Lord what part we ourselves have played in the problem, and be quick to ask forgiveness. Especially in our families and with our children, no matter what age. As we model humility and love, our childrenContinue reading “Mending Breaches”

Do Not Fear

I awoke from a dream where a little girl worriedly tugged on her mother’s skirt, saying “Mommy, Mommy! I don’t want to go bye-bye.” Her face still haunts me as I write this. What devastation. So many mothers and children in Ukraine have been injured and killed, especially after Russia bombed a maternity and children’sContinue reading “Do Not Fear”

Joyfully One

A few nights ago I had a dream in which God’s people gathered from all nations to daily have breakfast together. There was no distinction between races, cultures or portions, but all were of one Kingdom, one family, and all received the same perfectly proportioned manna-cake. They were laughing, each seated wherever they were inContinue reading “Joyfully One”