Stepping into My Role

The Lord has a very specific role for you to play in the trials of the days to come. Do you know what that is yet? Ask Him. What is He saying to you? Can you hear Him? If you don’t know what He’s leading you to do yet, start here: Matthew 22:37-40 and 1Continue reading “Stepping into My Role”

Listening to God

Join us for 30 Days of Prayer for Global Awakening, March 11-April 9, 2024. Our God is very present and very real. All throughout the Bible we see how personally and also corporately He speaks to and through His people. If you are among a growing number of Christians who claim He doesn’t speak that way anymore,Continue reading “Listening to God”

Take Off the Blinders

This past week, the Lord gave me three dreams over three nights. In the first, people walked about with blinders on that covered not only their eyes but the whole face. Inside, they cried out to be seen for who they truly were. But with their own faces covered and with others’ blinders on, asContinue reading “Take Off the Blinders”

Seeing through Love’s Eyes

Misunderstandings are one of the enemy’s favorite tactics for dividing relationships, especially marriages. If he can plant thoughts in our mind about hidden motives or meanings behind what someone says, then he has tricked us into obeying his lead, rather than the Spirit’s. Such “mind-reading” is dangerous because of James 4:11-12 and Matthew 7:1-5. OnlyContinue reading “Seeing through Love’s Eyes”