Day 30: The World

30 Days of Prayer for Global Awakening Verses for contemplation: John 3:16-21 The lostness of this world in turmoil is staggering. Nearly 160,000 people die daily without the hope of Christ. The news constantly blares headlines of such wars, earthquakes and evil as declared in biblical warnings of the last days before Jesus’ return. AndContinue reading “Day 30: The World”

Day 29: Caribbean

30 Days of Prayer for Global Awakening Verses for contemplation: Matthew 13:45-46 The first explorers to Latin America landed on the shores of the Dominican Republic in 1492, and subsequent ships brought both Catholic clergy from Europe and slaves from Africa. In 1783, a manumitted slave from the US served as a Baptist missionary toContinue reading “Day 29: Caribbean”

Day 28: South America

30 Days of Prayer for Global Awakening Verses for contemplation: Psalm 28 Many of the early missionaries to South America died as martyrs, including Allen Gardiner of England, who journeyed 1,000 miles through the Argentine wilderness in the 19th century sharing Christ with tribes he encountered along the way with little to no success. HeContinue reading “Day 28: South America”

Day 27: Central America

30 Days of Prayer for Global Awakening Verses for contemplation: Habakkuk 2:4-14 Christianity arrived in Central America during the 16th century, along with explorers and colonialists who mistreated and enslaved the native people. Juan de Zumarraga, appointed Protector of Indians, is one of many brave missionaries who fought for their rights and eventually helped establishContinue reading “Day 27: Central America”

Day 26: North America

30 Days of Prayer for Global Awakening Verses for contemplation: Galatians 5 Protestants seeking religious freedom settled in North America in the early 17th century. Since then, many notable movements of the Holy Spirit have arisen, including the recent Asbury Revival (one of many at Asbury over the years) and a Second Great Awakening inContinue reading “Day 26: North America”

Day 25: America

30 Days of Prayer for Global Awakening Verses for contemplation: Isaiah 42:10-35 Today, all of the countries in the Americas and Caribbean are considered majority Christian and enjoy greater religious freedom than many parts of the world. While the Catholic Church dominates Central and South America, evangelical churches have seen tremendous growth over the pastContinue reading “Day 25: America”

Day 24: Oceania

30 Days of Prayer for Global Awakening Verses for contemplation: Romans 12 Explorers in the 16th century first introduced Christianity to Oceania, but few records mention missions until the 19th century. Papua New Guinea, with its 885 tribes and almost as many languages, has attracted missionaries focused on unreached peoples and Bible translation. Today, thatContinue reading “Day 24: Oceania”

Day 23: Southeast Asia

30 Days of Prayer for Global Awakening Verses for contemplation: Matthew 22:25-28 Southeast Asia is home to nearly 700 unreached people groups. In addition, six of these countries (the most violent of which is Myanmar) are on Open Doors’ World Watchlist of nations persecuting Christians. Christians and seekers of Christ face extreme pressure to conformContinue reading “Day 23: Southeast Asia”

Day 22: South Asia

30 Days of Prayer for Global Awakening Verses for contemplation: Isaiah 44 Tradition says the Apostle Bartholomew took the Gospel to Pakistan, and Thomas to India, where he was martyred in AD 72. Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier, who ministered to India’s lower classes in 1542, baptized 30,000 Paravar people. William Carey, instrumental in evangelical missionsContinue reading “Day 22: South Asia”

Day 21: East Asia

30 Days of Prayer for Global Awakening Verses for contemplation: Isaiah 55 The Silk Road opened the way in AD 645 for Nestorian Christians to arrive in China, where they sought converts until suppressed 150 years later. In the 16th century, Jesuits brought the next wave of Christian influence to China, while Portuguese Catholics arrivedContinue reading “Day 21: East Asia”