National Day of Prayer

Let’s join together with Christians all across our nation and the world today as we pray for the USA.

Pray for Our Government

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

1 Timothy 2:1-2 NIV
  • Salvation (John 3:16)
  • Wisdom from God to administer justice (1 Kings 3:28)
  • Peace for our nation (1 Timothy 2:1-2)
  • Protection for Christians and all citizens (1 Timothy 2:1-2)
  • Capable, trustworthy, God-fearing leaders and judges that hate dishonest gain (Exodus 18:21), and who are upright, without duplicity (Proverbs 11:3)

Lord, we ask You for those in our federal government, for our President, Vice President, for every Cabinet member, congressional leader, Supreme Court justice, advisor and team member; and for our state governments, for each Governor, executive leader, legislative leader and judicial leader; and also for our local governments, for every mayor, police chief, fire chief, judge, city counsel member and county official …

  • Give each person of authority constant, powerful, undeniable encounters with You such that they hear Your voice clearly, meet You in their dreams, feel You guiding them all throughout the day in every decision, fear You, and surrender to You as Savior and King.
  • Bring Christians as staff members, counselors and other support to government leaders and judges, guiding them to do what is right and pointing them to the way of salvation. Shine so brightly through these Christians that all who know them will long for the love, peace, joy, wisdom and favor with God they see in their lives, and choose You as Lord.
  • Give every leader and judge a hunger for Your Word, for the only Truth that sets them free. Drive them to read the Bible daily and pray, asking You for the wisdom and ability they need to do all that is set before them. When they cry out to You, hear them, O God, and answer them.
  • Tear down every selfish ambition for personal power, and pour out a spirit of cooperation between leaders to follow Your lead and work together for the peace, protection, health and welfare of our nation and the world.
  • Protect leaders from falling into temptations of bribes, unfaithfulness or straying from right paths. Shield them from every plot of the evil one, and awaken them to Your love, grace and salvation.
  • Remove from office those with evil agendas that tear down what is right and good, promoting what is evil and destructive, and persecuting those who love You and those who seek to protect and bless. Raise up in their place officials who fear You and seek to listen to You, follow Your ways, and bring peace, protection, hope, freedom and blessings to our nation.
  • Soften the hearts of leaders to hear and understand the true needs of the communities they serve, and give them wisdom and Your empowering to meet those needs Your way.
  • Give leaders courage to walk in humility, recognizing their mistakes, listening to godly wisdom, and doing what is right.
  • Bring harmony, unity and righteousness among the staff members who work to support each elected leader, and use them to bring about Your purposes in the communities their office serves.
  • Give elected leaders quality time to spend with their families, Lord, and draw whole families in leadership to You. Give each family member a hunger for You so strong they will seek You with all their heart and find You. Transform these families so dramatically, others will see the difference You make in their lives and be drawn to You, as well.

Pray for the President

Lord, please give the President wisdom in every encounter. Guide his every decision, and bring forth the purposes You have for the US and its influence on the…

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Truth and Justice

With the Hong Kong Supreme Court’s recent resignations and the current US Supreme Court’s nomination, let’s pray forth God’s purposes. Follow justice and justice alone, so that you…

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Government Leaders

Lord, we ask You for a great Awakening in this nation. Restrain what is wrong. Restore what is right. Draw every government leader to Yourself in such powerful…

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Know What Is Right

From Isaiah 51:7a, let’s pray for God’s people Our city, county, state, and nation’s leaders Leaders of other nations of the world Criminals, those bent on evil The…

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Pray for Our Military

(The king) appointed military officers over the people and assembled them before him in the square at the city gate and encouraged them with these words: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.” 

2 Chronicles 32:6-8 NIV
  • Salvation (John 3:16) and freedom in Christ (John 8:31-32)
  • Perseverance to endure hardship (Isaiah 43:2; Deuteronomy 31:6)
  • Wise leaders who inspire respect from those under their command (Romans 13:1)
  • Protection and support for the families they have left behind (Romans 1:8-10
  • Healing from PTSD, shielding of their hearts and minds from nightmares, panic attacks, mental illness and other effects
  • The constant knowledge that they are not alone, that God is with them, and courage to seek Him and follow His lead in each situation

Lord, we ask You for every soldier, every officer, every person in every military post to awaken to You. Give them a hunger for You so fierce they will seek You with all their hearts and find You. Bring Christians into their path to share with them the Good News and show them what it’s like to have the peace, love and joy that only come through You. Place Bibles in their hands and give them a hunger to read. Remind them that they are not alone, that You are with them. Place Your name constantly upon their lips. When they cry out to You, answer them, O God. Give them wisdom in every decision to do what is right, to follow Your lead, to protect life and be upright in all their ways. Guard our nation from evil, O God. Give military officers wisdom as they plan and strategize how to prevent attacks and keep our citizens and innocent people of other nations safe. Bless every officer who seeks to do what is right, and remove from authority those who carry out evil. Send out your angel armies to fight alongside our soldiers and keep them safe from harm as they protect the innocent. Manifest Your power and protection in such visible ways, every person in the military and the civilians they seek to protect will see Your glory and be drawn to You. For those who have seen terrible destruction and death, O God, heal their minds and hearts. Set them free from PTSD and other effects of war and troubles, and save them. Guard their families from harm. Give spouses and children courage and patience to wait as their loved ones are away on assignment. Provide for all their needs, and draw them to You, O God. Bless and protect all those who seek to protect and bless our freedom. In Your name, Amen.

Pray for the Media

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Philippians 4:8
  • Salvation for those who have control over social media, news, movie productions, television, radio and other media outlets (John 3:16)
  • Protection, freedom of speech, and favor for all those in media who report what is true, who promote what is right and good, who fear the Lord and follow His lead in what they post
  • Integrity, truthfulness, fairness and wisdom for reporters, editors and news agencies
  • Freedom for people to seek and find Christ, and for the Gospel to be preached
  • Protection over the innocent from those who seek to do evil
  • The downfall of those in media who have evil agendas, and for God to replace them with those who seek to use these platforms for good, for truth, for integrity, and for freedom

Lord, we ask You to expose corruption in media. Shut down every evil agenda and block every lie from taking root in the hearts and minds of those who cannot yet distinguish lies from truth. Make a way for those who speak truth to be heard, followed and given favor by all people. Protect what is right, Lord, especially freedom of worship and the spreading of Your Good News, and close down all who seek to harm Your servants. Take down every owner of social media platforms, news agencies or other media outlets who seeks to do harm or promote evil agendas, and place that ownership in the hands of those whose agendas bring forth freedom and protect the innocent from harm. Raise up news writers, tweeters, and others in media who will speak out integrity and what is right and good and true in such a way that all will lay down their idols, listen to the truth, repent from evil and turn to You. Change the algorithms that promote lies, that slander, that promote pornography and child abuse, that worship Satan or false religions, or foment all kinds of evil or oppression or corruption, so that truth, goodness and Your Gospel are promoted instead. For every person who seeks to silence the voice of Truth, raise up 1,000 more voices to speak what You are saying. Make the lies sound so ridiculous no one will listen to them anymore. Raise up doctors and lawyers and pastors and Christians and politicians and judges and people from all walks of life who will brave opposition from those bent on evil, and speak out the truth that protects, blesses, heals and helps people. Make the voices of righteousness, truth and blessing heard by all in such a way that those who have been misled will lay down their lies to follow You instead. Bring to the forefront of all media those who love You, who shine Your light in the darkness, who show the way to salvation. Make their voices heard, O Lord. Bring to light stories of goodness, of people doing what is right, of heroes of today who seek the good of others and who will inspire all of us to do what is right and good. Bring forth the downfall of evildoers or save them by Your grace, O God. May those bent on evil repent and choose You as Savior and Lord. And may all the nations, especially ours, turn to You and be saved.

Pray for Businesses

  • Salvation for business owners, entrepreneurs and workers (John 3:16)
  • Christians in business who will promote humility and servant leadership, shining Christ’s love and grace to co-workers through integrity, joy, peace, and reliance on God (Philippians 2:3)
  • Wisdom, ability, integrity, reliability, provision and expertise in all areas for those God wants to use for His glory to open the way for His blessings to fall on our nation (Exodus 31:1-11)
  • Provision for the poor and needy in such a way that they will thank God and turn to Him (Psalm 132:15)
  • Protection over Christian businesses from those who seek to persecute them or shut them down
  • Laws that protect Christians in business and small business owners, so they won’t feel forced to compromise moral and biblical values in order to do business

Pray for Those in Education

Indeed, if you call out for insight
    and cry aloud for understanding,
and if you look for it as for silver
    and search for it as for hidden treasure,
then you will understand the fear of the Lord
    and find the knowledge of God.
For the Lord gives wisdom;
    from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Proverbs 2:3-6 NIV
  • Salvation for every teacher, principal, board member and student (John 3:16)
  • Freedom for Christians to pray and express their faith
  • A safe atmosphere conducive to learning
  • Excellence, uprightness, integrity and love in educators (Exodus 18:20-21)
  • Equal opportunities for every student to achieve their full potential (Philippians 1:9)

Lord, place a hunger for You so intense in the hearts of all those involved in education that they will seek You until they find You and share Your truth openly. Protect the jobs of Christian teachers and give them favor with all who know them. Do such great and miraculous things in their lives that they cannot help speaking about Your greatness and love. Topple every lie with Your truth. Remove every barrier that has kept the lost from recognizing You are the One they’ve been longing for, and save them, Lord. Make their hearts fertile, so when the seeds of Your Gospel are sown, roots will grow deep and salvation will spring up from the ground.

Appoint persons of peace (Luke 10:5-6) on school boards, and as principals and teachers in schools and universities who will welcome Truth. When the enemy seeks to slander or destroy Your appointed persons of peace, frustrate his plans, turn the destruction around to fall on his head instead. Replace false teachers in schools and universities with Your servants who will love the students and help them not only excel in education but find You. Expose lies and evil agendas so obviously that students and educational influencers who once agreed with the enemy will now turn full swing around to surrender to Your agendas instead.

Raise up Christian teachers and student leaders with integrity who will stand strong against persecution, speak the truth, and gain such favor and following that schools and universities will be forced to abandon enemy causes and focus on true and excellent education instead. 

Give homeschooling parents energy and wisdom to teach through Your Spirit’s empowering. Cover our children with peace and give them the drive to excel in their studies, to run after You with all their heart, and to love, serve, and obey You all the days of their lives. 

Pray for the Church

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.

Colossians 2:6-8 NIV
  • Commitment to the mission and purpose of Jesus Christ (Matt 22:37)
  • Unity within and between churches, so we will reveal God’s love to the world (John 17:23)
  • Integrity — that God’s people look and act differently from the world (I Peter 2:11; 1 Corinthians 13:6)
  • Freedom from strongholds (1 Corinthians 10:3-5)
  • Courage to stand (Ephesians 6:10-20)
  • Boldness in prayer (Ephesians 6:18)

Father, please anoint preachers, disciplers, worshippers, song writers, evangelists, missionaries, youth leaders, prayer warriors, counselors, parents and all Christian influencers with Your Spirit’s empowering in every situation to shine Your light in every dark corner and draw people to You. Set them free from their strongholds so dramatically they will help others to freedom, as well. Give them courage to break molds of culture, religion, legalism and tradition in order to follow Your example, Jesus, leading out in Kingdom Culture and doing all things in love. Place in their hands the Bible studies and other materials they need to bring about oneness in Your body, both with You as the Head and with all members.

Raise up from among this generation Christian leaders who will step forward in unprecedented love, courage, and empowering through Your Holy Spirit to lead Your church into a Great Awakening. May we step out in front of our brothers and sisters, beckoning them to leave behind every distraction and seek Your will for their lives every moment. Set us afire with passion for You, O God. Bind us together as one, an unstoppable force crushing every scheme of the enemy, rescuing the lost, building the church, growing believers, and walking out in purity and integrity in all that we do.

Bring back to the center of Your will those who have dallied on the fringes of the flock. Scoop the hurting up into Your arms and carry them. Mend every breach. Douse bitterness with grace and love. Bind churches together in unity to reach our cities and nation for Christ. Tear down our pride and idols, O Lord, and lead us out in humility and Your righteousness to fight for what matters most and to share Your Good News with those who are perishing. Psalm 45. May we love like never before, laying down our greed, lust, gluttony, bitterness, pride, judgment and self-protection to trust in You as the One who fights for us, so we will do what it takes to carry Your light into the darkness. Make us pure and holy beacons in the darkness, so those who search for You will know where to find You. May every Christian be a safe place where others feel they can lay down their burdens and rest. Give us favor in the eyes of all. May they know we are Christians and be drawn to You by our love. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.

Rise Above

Lord, what battles have I been fighting in the trenches, when You have called me to rise above? In what ways have I used words as weapons to fight…

Your Love Must Be Greater

“Your love is great. But it must be greater.” In a dream God gave me, several of us who have been serving the Lord overseas by faith were sitting…

What’s Holding You Back?

Let’s leave behind the strongholds that have bound us, and do what it takes to run in the joy of the Spirit’s leading, so we can draw others into…

Let Me Overcome.

I am here. I have not left. I am your Safe Place. Wherever you find yourself now, however you mourn, I want you to know I am with you.…

Family Unity for Ministers

I grew up overseas, as the daughter of missionaries. Many of my MK (missionary kid) friends have excelled in life. They feel at home, no matter where they are…

Pray for Families

Heavenly Father, please give lost families in our nation such a hunger for You they will seek You with all their hearts and find You together as one. Jeremiah 29:13. Call out Christian families to enter their lives, shining Your light so brightly in the darkness those who still don’t know You will resist You no longer. Draw every family into a church nearby them with loving members, sound teaching from Your Word, and a powerful demonstration of Your love and grace. 

Wherever there is abuse, Father, please rescue that family. Provide the way of escape for the victims in each situation, and the abuser to repentance and salvation. Perform such a miraculous transformation in the abuser’s life that the whole family will believe in You and walk in Your paths as one. 

Give Christian parents wisdom to train up our children to follow You all the days of their lives, walking out in Your Word, flowing in Your Holy Spirit’s leading, and changing the world with Your love. Use Christian families in each community to help the hurting, provide for the needy, and share with the lost. When we cry out to You, answer us, O God, in miraculous ways like only You can. Break us free from sin and strongholds, and walk us into oneness with You and with each other. Fill our homes with Your angels and Your presence, casting out the enemy and demolishing his every scheme against us. 

Be a Shield around our families, protecting us and our children from harm. Do such marvelous things in our midst that our faith is built, and all those around us see Your miraculous provision and give in to Your unfailing love. Carry us through the hard times and give us peace. Guide us through difficult decisions. 

Give Christian parents wisdom in every situation to know how to react according to what You are doing in each child’s heart and life. Break the chains of impatience, complaining, unforgiveness, pornography, unfaithfulness, anger, addiction, pride, selfishness, abuse, depression, anxiety, and every other stronghold the enemy has been using to trap our families in his schemes. Transform our hearts so powerfully that everyone around us will see what You have done and long for You. 

Guide us into strong churches powerful in love, faith, and in anointed teaching of Your Word. Set aside for us family times of worship and Bible study, and fill that time with Your felt presence, speaking to each of our hearts in just the way we need and transforming us. Open up special teaching moments throughout the day for both parents and children where the truths of Your Word come alive in our daily life. Give us courage to pray with our children and teach them from the Word daily, Lord, no matter how busy we feel. Carve out those important times alone with You we as parents need, and give our children a hunger for time alone with You, as well. Wake us up each morning handing that day over to You, and guide us through every task, decision and situation.

We speak LIFE over our families now in the name of Jesus. Healing. Hope. Peace. Love. Faith. Freedom. Wholeness. Compassion. And oneness with You and with each other. Today, O God, awaken every family all across the USA to Your love. Speak to us so loudly we will hear You and surrender to the only One who can make our families whole again.

Prayers for Parents

The years we have with our children under our roof are limited. Let’s pray God will guide Christian parents to raise up young men and women who…

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Praying for Our Families

Let’s pray for our families today. Lord, we ask You, by Your divine care, to please watch over our families and children. Guard our hearts from every…

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Pray for the Unreached

For more information on unreached people groups in the USA, see

Mikaela Vincent and her husband are missionaries who live by faith, trusting in God to provide for their needs as they pray for and share Christ with the nations. If you would like to help their ministry through a donation, or by shopping at Mikaela’s online bookstore, click the buttons below:

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For 30 Days of Prayer for Global Awakening, Dare to Be a Mighty Warrior, and other books for all ages on praying forth God’s purposes and breaking free from anxiety and other strongholds, visit

Any proceeds this author receives from the sale of the deep devotional Bible studies and other books mentioned in this post go to shining Christ’s light in the darkness and seeing the nations come to Him. 

Thank you for your support! If you’d like to know more about how you can help the Vincents’ ministry, please contact Mikaela.

Published by Mikaela Vincent, Author, More Than A Conqueror Books,

Mikaela Vincent is a wife, mother, and missionary with a passion to see the lost saved and God's people walk in oneness with Him and each other. She and her husband have been serving the Lord in a dark area of the world where few have heard Jesus' name and Christians are persecuted. In her quiet times with God, He has written together with her deep Bible studies and other books for all ages on listening to God and removing the barriers to oneness with Christ and others. She hosts spiritual mentoring groups online, and has led retreats internationally. Through her books, both children and adults are finding freedom from anxiety, panic, and other strongholds. Her novels, prayer journals, devotionals, day planners, children's books and more are available at

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