Contact Us

Mikaela Vincent and her husband have served the Lord almost 30 years sharing Christ’s love among an unreached people group in a dark area of the world where Christians are persecuted and few have heard the truth of Christ. Recently, because of security issues, they were forced to flee and leave everything behind.

They continue to live by faith that God will supply all their needs as they share Christ with the nations, advocate for the persecuted and for unreached peoples, counsel overseas workers and others who are hurting, write materials for all ages in various languages on oneness with Christ and others, and gather an army of prayer warriors here at the Prayer Wall to push back the enemy’s purposes and pray forth God’s during these trying times.

If you would like to help them in their ministry, please connect with Mikaela through the form below, or write, and she will reply with the information you need for your tax-deductible donation.

Mikaela and her husband are also available for speaking engagements and hosting spiritual retreats. If you would like to contact her, please write her a message below:

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Gifts this author receives go to seeing the nations come to Christ.

Thank you for your support.